Friday, May 22, 2009

Caitlyn and Justins Black Banding Ceremony

Black Banding is a tradition of nurses from the 1800's, it is a celebration of a Student Nurse becoming a Upperclassman/woman. It was a amazing ceremony. Very traditional, you felt a part of history going through it. Being a Watts Nurse is quite a honor I have found out.

There was a thing called the Santa Filomena Tapping on the program. So you really don't know what it is until it happened. It is one of the oldest Honor Society in America. Past Santa Filomena Nurses come in from the back of the room, and tap the chosen honor students on the shoulder with a white carnation. Once you are a Santa Filomena, you will always be. Anyhow, both Caitlyn and Justin were tapped on the shoulder!!! Only four people were chosen, and they were two of them!! All their studying paid off!!

Anyhow, I wish my Sister Mary and my Mom were there to watch, they both would have loved it.

The Fam!!

Justin and Caitlyn!!

Caitlyn with her girlfriends, Kate and Holly.

Caitlyn with her white carnation after being tapped into the Santa Filomena!!


Hank and Mary said...

The pictures are great. They kind of show what you guys experienced.

I am so proud of you Caitlyn for being black banded and getting tapped by the carnation.

I can't imagine all that you must learn to get to where you are at. I know that to me, college is very, very difficult. God gifted you with intellect and you chose to use it wisely. Good going Caitlyn. You make ALL of us proud.

Anonymous said...

Wow that is so cool! Good work Caitlyn and Justin.

TAITx3 said...

Congrats Caitlyn! You should be very proud of yourself. We sure are proud of you.