Friday, November 16, 2007

My first try at poaching eggs!!

I am 49 years old, and never made a real poached egg. My Mom used to make them for my Dad all the time, but I never tried it, because it looked to messy and difficult.
Well today, I decided to do it, and it was fairly simple. They were cooked perfectly.
Anyone for some eggs???


SRT and LST said...

Looks good, only you're missing some sort of salty, pig-based meat product to go between the egg and English muffin.

TAITx3 said...

Looks yummy! Love the picture with the plant in the background. ~KT

Anonymous said...


Hank and Mary said...

Like Kara said, it looks great with the plant. You totally have it all together Lizzy. You take pictures of food desplays like Kara. Good going kiddo. AND they look delicious!!