Saturday, October 6, 2007

Me making apple dumplings...

Adam and I enjoying the fire...

Cassandra and I making apple dumplings...

Adam building the fire...


SRT and LST said...

Kentucky looks fun, unlike all the rumors. Maybe I'll get the Hermans a banjo for Christmas.

TAITx3 said...

You guys are living the high life! Luckys!!!!!

Cathy Rowe said...

I'm so jealous! You look like you are having a BLAST! What a perfect time of year. I didn't know Cassandra was PG. She must be due soon. How fun! Who are the Hermans?? (your sis??) Is this in Kentucky? I just saw someone's blog. Keep me posted on your new adventure - and eat an apple dumpling for me!!
Love your gizzard Lizzard!